
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

November Thankfulness

A feeling of thankfulness is a theme of the holidays so it seems right to thank Michelle, who started this group, and her accomplices Sherri, Jennifer and Gail. Thanks to all of you for taking positions on the board and keeping this Guild on track.  We have you to thank for being able to congregate and share our love of Modern Quilting.  On Dec. 10th we will celebrate the third year of the Southern Connecticut Modern Quilt Guild and we wouldn't have made it this far without your passion for quilting, leadership and support.

Also, a big thank you to all our members who have stepped up to help with block of the month challenges, donations of blocks, design of charity quilts, and technique sharing, among other things. Everyone plays a part in making this group what it is.

Thanks to all the members who chime in on Facebook from afar with ideas and quilts, and also to those who show up to meetings and share their process and quilts with us up close.

There is a lot to be thankful for and on Dec. 10th we get to celebrate this great group of people and their creativity. There will be munchies as usual, so if you haven't seen the sign up sheet, you can head on over to Facebook (November 29th post by Michelle) to sign up to bring something.

Everyone is also invited to bring along a gallon sized bag (or two) full of scraps for a swap.  It is a great way to get rid of fabrics you're tired of and to challenge yourself with different fabrics.

Last but not least, don't forget to bring your check or cash for $50 to renew your membership. Let's enjoy another year of quilty goodness together.

 Gail explains the next block of the month-Negative Space in a Log Cabin.

Maybeth shares how her monthly blocks came together. Can you find the dog, dancing chickens, and queen?

Christine pieced together this "Legend" quilt.

The quilt was for a daughter's friend. If you look closely,
the animals look like they have been boxed in with the quilting. 

Terrie displayed her Connecticut pride. 

Terrie used the fabrics from our dying workshop with Richard Killeaney
to construct Sherri's Dragonfly Quilt.
Sis Boom named some fabrics after Terrie. How cool is that!

 Parthena finished off a charity block for the NICU.

Here is the back. 

Rebecca made waves with this pattern which has been accepted for publication. 

A quick peek of the back

Rebecca displayed another pattern. 

 Barbara showed us her I Spy Quilts. 

She exhibited her quilting as well. 

Jeremy told the story of how this quilt was made and quilted by his six year old son. 

Jeremy explained his inspiration for the "broken glass pane" look on his quilt. 

What a fun green on the back!

Barbara's math theme quilt needed some advice with making fabric rise Trapunto style.

Michelle debated categories to enter the quilt under at Quiltcon with advice from the group. 

 Gail assembled a special wallet for attending quilting events. The areas for storing ribbons are a plus. 

Gail constructed this bag to tote all your quilting essentials, especially a mat. 

She created this beautiful butterfly out of shot silk. 

 Don't forget that our meeting is at the Weston Town Hall. See you all on the 10th!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Fall Harvest

Who doesn't love the arrival of fall? Mother Nature wows and inspires us with her colors while the cold weather encourages us to stay inside, snuggle around our sewing machines, and finish those UFOs. We surround ourselves with the bounty of the harvest and perhaps indulge in an apple cider or other autumnal treat.

What's not to love?

Every season brings its inspiration and delight, as does every monthly meeting of the SCMQG.  We revel in the cornucopia of ideas, inspiration, and color that our creative endeavors bring. So, grab a mug, sit back and enjoy a visual treat of our October harvest. 

Gail introduces our next block-of-the-month. It involves playing colors against colors and manipulating blocks to gain different results. Thinking outside of the box and our creative boundaries is the name of this game. Gail models different manipulations of a nine block.  Give it a try by looking here. 

Gail presents her Chickens in Tutus to our group. 

Michelle shares a quilt from Victoria Findlay Wolfe's Quilt Alliance Workshop.

  She has also been creating bags out of paintings transferred to fabric. Michelle's friend painted them. 

Michelle sews up another top.

Brenda displays the results of  a Pure Improv Class with Denyse Schmidt.
What an inspiring way to spend a birthday!

Veronica ventures into free motion quilting.

She has been busy constructing a Kaffe quilt for her sister.

She also exhibits a colorful quilt made from Kaffe/Mably Fabrics

Barbara makes ends meet in these blocks. 

She also shares a special quilt for a granddaughter's friend.

Here's the front. Who doesn't love a log cabin?

Suzanne makes baby quilts for her friend's grandkids. 

Some lucky boy will get to snuggle this quilt.

Baskets and cute little people populate this snuggly goodness.

Look at the pretty baskets on the front!

Sweet nine blocks cover the back and the front of this lovely. 

Spider web much is that doggie in the window?

This is where all good things come to an end...for now anyway. Looking forward to seeing everyone and their creations on November 12th! We will be voting on a new board, and sewing up baby blankets for those who have time after the meeting at Christie's Quilting Boutique. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

July at Weston Town Hall

We had a cozy meeting  at the Weston Town Hall in July.  We discussed our upcoming fabric dying workshop with Richard Killeaney and discussed the details for our September 20th speaker Heather Kojan. Mostly though, we showed and talked quilts. 

The big reveal of our quilted Pulse charity quilt
Our second Pulse top ready to be quilted
Jeremy showing us his log cabin houses
Quilt members taking it all in
Another of Jeremy's creations...
with his own custom quilting

Left over blocks Dayna used to make NICU quilts
One of Ginny's creations

...and custom baby quilts
Brenda sharing a friend's cool "fringed" quilt
Brenda's red, black and white quilt
Another of Brenda's creations
A graduation present for Michelle's nephew
Gail's circles and dots quilt

Gail's chicken house inspired by classes at the Bolt
Our next meeting will again be held at the Weston Town Hall at 10:00 a.m. Hope to see you there!