
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

April Gathering

First, a thank you to Gail for her lovely write-up of our meeting in the guild minutes. If you have already read it, you can skim through this post for a couple of additional photos but if you haven't please check out the guild minutes and guild pictures.  

Second, thanks to Susan for taking photos because a certain someone (ahem) forgot her phone. Luckily we had these two lovely ladies to help out in a crunch. 

So, we had a cozy April meeting. While some of our members were away at a quilt retreat, the rest of us decided to mix things up a little bit.

We enjoyed an impromptu tutorial on how to use Instagram by Brenda. Thanks Brenda! She helped us work out the kinks in our use and also reminded us to follow #scmqg  on Instagram. We see a future for more technology based tutorials in the future.

This group also went over some ideas and rules for a possible tag sale, ideas to connect to other guilds in the area and the need to build a list of quilt guilds, shows, and challenges in CT. It would be great to connect with others in the state and be aware of all the opportunities around Connecticut.

Show and tell began with a first...first quilt that is. Parthena brought her first quilt and shared the story behind it. All our quilts tell a story and show our progress and process in quilting.  We want to showcase the stories of the quilters in our guild so stay tuned for a questionnaire about your own personal foray into quilting.

 Christine shared her blocks made out of mattress ticking and Cherrywood Fabrics.

Suzanne's baby quilt for a baby girl dazzled us with its flowers.

 To love or not to love a mini-quilt was the question. Suzanne decided to love hers by transforming it into a functional bag.

 Maybeth used Marcia Derse Fabrics to construct these applique circles.

She was also inspired by one of Brenda's quilts to make a quilt with words. "Make do", "Use up", and "Recycle" made it into this improv quilt.

Susan's quilts would go here. Since she was taking pictures, she didn't send pics of her quilts but they can be found in the minutes! This is the year she plans to tackle all her UFOs.

 The colors in this quilt motivated Barbara to create a double disappearing nine patch block which coincidentally is the biggest quilt she has ever made.

 The math quilt hanging comes along with some echo quilting. 

 Lois models her colorful, quilty jacket for us. 

 She demonstrates the thread art on the back of her garden quilt. 

 Here she reveals her ornate flower garden with fluttering bees and birds. 

 Brenda displays a gift for a friend's baby. 

 These blocks demonstrate a joint venture into improv between Brenda and her mom.

 Parthena decided to try her hand at a mini quilt challenge. 

 She also brought in bags and pillow cases she has been working on for her nieces and nephews.

 Parthena also constructed this signature quilt for her godson's first birthday. 

Our last presenter, Gail, modeled her knit brain hat. It was a gift for her son who was participating in the March for Science.

Fun times with more to be had. Tomorrow, May 11th, a few of us are heading into New York for a tour of favorite fabric spots with Brenda. Everyone is welcome.

Also, don't forget our meeting this Saturday, May 13th at the Weston Public Library. As always looking forward to seeing all of you then.