
Monday, November 6, 2017

Quilters of the SCTMQG: Maybeth Wirz

How did you get started quilting? 

A friend was having fun quilting and producing modern works. She encouraged me to start as I was retiring from my job. I sewed a lot of clothes long ago so I was friendly with fabric and a sewing machine.

How long have you been a quilter?

About 6 years.

How many quilts do you think you have made in that time?

About 10 I think.

What is the story behind the first quilt you ever made?

I made a quilt for my granddaughters for their TV watching. I bought fabric on line ( some from Japan). When they arrived I only liked 7 of the eleven. I had a pattern which I altered because I didn't have enough different fabrics. I pieced their names on the back - which they loved.

How would you describe your style of quilting?

Love improvising. I feel overwhelmed at the thought of many many identical blocks. I do keep changing though.

What is your favorite type of quilt to make? (Paper pieced, applique, etc. ) Why?

I like it all. I enjoy paperpiecing and appliqué as well. I like hand work.

Favorite quilt ever made

What tool or tools could you not live without and why?

Thread cutter on my Juki!

What are your favorite materials to work with in terms of threads, fabrics, and batting?

Quilter's cotton, cotton/linen and regular linen. Warm and natural batting.

Which colors do you gravitate toward in your quilts?/Which color have you never used or want to use?

Aqua, red, oranges love them. Rarely use much blue. Would like to expand a bit with blues.

One of Maybeth's favorite quilts

How many UFO’s do you have?

About 8.

If someone were to peek in on your quilting time, what would they see?

A messy area, as I work I rarely tidy up until project is done.

What themes do you see in your quilts? (Colors, shapes, techniques,etc.)

Linear shapes, geometric - not much curves (yet).

What were some turning points in your quilting process?

Relaxing and learning to take a chance on an idea.

Who are the people, artists, quilters, etc. you look to for encouragement and inspiration in quilting?

Jacquie Gerring, my favorite. I visit sites of Elizabeth Hartman, Red Pepper quilts, Carolyn Friedlander, Lotta Jansdotter, Marcia Derse.

Where else do you find inspiration for your quilts?


What do you like best about quilting?

Being engrossed in the fabric.

Where are you headed in your quilting, and what would you like to learn more about?

Want to learn free motion quilting as well as getting better at quilting with a walking foot.

What would you want to try if time and money were no object?

Quilt retreats in great places.

Last Question: What are you working on right now?

Just finishing quilting the "Make Do" quilt I meds from our Christmas scrap swap.