Her latest amazing work is her book called "Quilting the New Classics: 20 Inspired Quilt Projects Tradional to Modern Designs.
Now isn't that a gorgeous looking book! Just imagine what's inside...gorgeous quilts fill the pages. Lucky for us, we got an up close and personal look at all of them.
Our members excitedly awaited Michele and her technical editor Barbara Parsons Cartier. |
Michele started off by reading to us from her preface. Lines such as "For most quilters, collecting fabric is in our makeup," and "Our stash is always waiting for us like a dear sweet friend," resonated for us all.
Michele reminded us that every quilt has a story. It is important to keep that story alive. Labeling quilts and documenting the inspiration, stories, and memories behind the quilts are a must.
A pair of pants from her high school days. Crafty genes! (pun intended) |
Michele's book juxtaposes the traditional and the modern. Each chapter displays a traditional block interpretation and a modern one. It goes to show that the possibilities for self-expression are endless.
Above, we glimpsed a traditional double wedding ring quilt. Michele explained that these quilts were popular during the Great Depression. Different demographics used different color palettes back then. Usually done in pastels, people who were having an especially hard time would use bold and dark fabrics. The sky is the limit these days. Below, you see a modern interpretation.
Two hours of bliss spent looking at beautiful quilts, and hearing some funny stories behind them. You will have to hear Michele present to get in on those.
A modern crazy quilt |
A tradional crazy quilt |
A traditional bear paw |
A modern bear paw |
An antique quilt made from velvet and silks-very cool! |
We loved the historical commentary. In the olden days, yo-yos were laid on a solid background. If she hadn't told us her quilt was traditional, I think we all would have placed it in the modern category.
Of course, Michele presented a ton more quilts, but we don't want to spoil the book for you. If you want to see the rest, you can go here to get a copy.
Unfortunately, the fun did come to an end as all great events do. Before she left, Michele told us about the Quilt Alliance and the animal inspired quilt contest they are holding.
A quilt for a special little girl in her life |
She also signed our books and gave us a treat: acrylic mini tools from e-z quilting. We will work with Michele to come up with a challenge using those tools.
Thank you Michele for your wonderful presentation and can't wait for your next visit! We look forward to making yo-yos with you.
What a wonderful presentation, I'm sorry I missed it. I love to see the work of others and hear the stories behind the quilt as it makes it that much more special than it already is. Looks like fun was had by all. Thank you to whomever organized this event and I hope there will be another soon that I won't miss.